Friday, October 23, 2009

This Is Going To Be Interesting

So, I've never been that adept at writing, but my Aunt suggested that I start a blog to chronicle this crazy time in our lives and I think it was a brilliant suggestion. Hopefully, as things progress, so will my writing. I do think that it'll be a great way to keep everyone in the loop of what is going on as we start this packing and moving process. It will be no small adventure, that is for sure!

Things could not have started out more positively for us. We were able to sell our boat quickly and easily at the start of summer, and then a good friend of mine who had always wanted to own a MR2 offered to buy John's from him, so that was also no problem. We sold the house within 2 weeks of the sign going up, ended up in a bidding war and were fortunate enough to end up getting over our asking price! I know......totally crazy in this economy!! After the inspection, the buyer's were completely satisfied with everything and didn't ask for us to do a single thing. We closed yesterday, a week early, at the buyer's request, and have until the first to be completely out without having to pay a dime to them. So far, so good!

We will be prepping all weekend for the movers to start their chaos on Tuesday. If everything goes as planned, we will be completely out of our house by Thursday night. Can't believe that this is all finally happening. We've been talking about it for almost 2 years and now reality is setting in. We are so excited and can't wait to start this new chapter in life. I hope that you will keep checking in and follow our "progress" (yes, I use that word loosely). I'm sure that once we are officially on the road the stories will become more interesting for everyone who is not actually involved in them :-) For some reason, I keep having thoughts of the Griswald's! I will try to update often. Until next time..........


  1. You go, girl! I'm already fantasizing about a trip to Alaska (I'll let you get settled first!). My thoughts and prayers are with you all. It'll be a ball, I'm sure. Someday you'll look back on this adventure and wonder how you managed to do it all.
    Love to all, Aunt Nancy

  2. I'm gonna follow your Blog. This is such an exciting and trying time for you, John and the kids. It's all going to be so worth it though. I know I've not seen you in a couple of years, but now it feels like I won't ever see you again. Thanks to your blog and FB we can always stay in touch. Enjoy your new journey dear friend.

  3. Heather, I am so excited!! You are off to a great will be like Uncle Wayne and I are riding along with you, John and the kiddos!! I would like a window seat, please :)

    Uncle Wayne and I will be thinking of you every day and you all will be in our prayers.

    What a wonderful adventure and fun, happy memories that will be made during this journey! We love you all and will be looking forward to every post! Love always, Aunt Debbie

    p.s. We will definitely come see you! Love You!
